What Happened to Roody?
I've been avoiding making this blog post. Really, I have.
Mostly because I don't know what happened to Roody. Nobody knows. He's just suddenly in pain most of the time and he doesn't seem to be getting much better.
He's been taking anti-inflammatory medication for the past 6 days. 4 more days of that joint and then we have to go back to his doctor with a report.
I really just want my husband back. I can barely hug him, he can't pick up the kids too often [he really shouldn't pick them up at all] and he's just not very happy because his chest and back hurt most of the day.
Thank you for all the prayers. And thank you for your patience, because I really haven't had the time or energy to edit videos. With a husband who needs assistance most of the time, I just can't justify dedicating 2 hours to editing for youtube.
So maybe the vlog I've been working on for the past few days will finally go up today? We'll see.