"Avengers: End Game" Movie Review!
A friend of ours scored us some tickets to see “Avengers: End Game.” We probably wouldn’t have seen it until next week otherwise. Thanks, Ainsley! You made Roody sooooo happy :)
We did a video review, but here is a written one as well. We really don’t want to give any spoilers, so isn’t much we can really say about the movie, unfortunately, without giving it all away.
Larianne’s Side
Emotional roller-coaster.
Frequent comedic relief.
Full of surprises!
It’s 3 hours long!!
Rating: 8/10
Roody’s Side
It was REALLY good!
Lots of action
Rating: 10/10
Both of think that it’s a MUST-SEE! For real, go see that joint. And don’t wait too long because spoilers are INEVITABLE!!