

We're Larianne & Roody. Welcome to our blog :) We are two young Christian parents who have a YouTube channel and love to share our lives with the world. Enjoy!

Le Tote vs. NY & Company Closet. Which is Better?

Le Tote vs. NY & Company Closet. Which is Better?

I’m like a walking promo for both companies. Really, truly. I have been a Le Tote Loyalist since April 2017. I joined NY&C Closet in October 2018. So I feel like I am well qualified to write this review. If you’re looking for a quick answer, here it is:

It all depends on how much money you can afford to spend on clothes and how quickly and often you need bomb clothes.

If you don’t have money to be spending on clothes like that, but you still would like to update your closet every once in a while, NY&C is your girl. If you need bomb clothes every week for work, church and/or formal events. Le Tote, fo’ sho.

Now here is the long answer:


I pay NY&C $55/mo for 3 items of clothing. The most I’ve ever had in 1 month is 2 boxes (6 items of clothing). So when you break it down, I’m renting each item for at least $9.17.

Going through my purchase history, I can see that I have spent a total of $304.50 on 16 items. My average purchase is $19.03.

I pay LT $64/mo for 3 items of clothing & 2 pieces of jewelry. The most I’ve ever had in 1 month is 4 totes (12 items of clothing, 8 pieces of jewelry). So when you break it down, I’m renting each item for at least $3.20.

Going through my purchase history, I can see that I have spent a total of $405.50 on 15 clothing items. That doesn’t include my jewelry purchases. I also had $112 in purchase credit. My average clothing purchase is $27.03.

NY&C wins for me on this one.


Le Tote’s quality is unmatched. It is as if the designers created each piece with MY body in mind. They feel rich and I don’t fear damaging the material.

NY&C Closet only rents NY & Company clothing. So you would think that each item would fit the same. NOPE! The jumpsuits are consistently nice, though.

LT wins for me on this one.

Styling & Customer Service

NY&C’s process: Assume your size and consistently select that size. Add the item to your closet. Select “Priority” on the items you prefer the most. Hope & pray that they ship at least one priority item. Wait a couple days for them to ship your box. Receive your box within 3-5 business days. Wear the items. Ship them back. Wait 2-3 business days for NY&C to receive the shipment. They take between 1-3 business days to prep your next box. Repeat.

LT’s process: They have your measurements, so they suggest clothing items to you based on your size. Every time you select a new item, they let you know how they think it will fit you. You don’t have to listen to them, though. It’s just a recommendation. Select the items that you want to put in your tote. Finalize the tote. Wait a few hours for them to ship your tote (if you finalized before they closed their office). Receive your tote within 2-4 business days. Wear the items. Ship them back. Le Tote is notified as soon as the mailman scans the barcode on the package. They take between 30 minutes to 4 hours to prep your next box. Repeat.

LT wins for me on this one.

Clothing Options

I love NY&C for their nice sweaters, super cute jumpsuits, lovely dresses for church and events, and stylish dress pants.

I love LT for their formal dresses that can be worn to weddings, church, and events. Calvin Klein & Rachel Roy are my favorite designers. Their dresses make me feel amazing and I always receive a lot of compliments. I also love the jewelry. I don’t pay too much attention to my selections, but I’m usually pleasantly surprised. The sweaters feel reeeeally good on my skin, too.

I can’t pick a winner for this one because I feel like I like both for different reasons!

In a perfect world, I would continue to rent from both companies. Right now, I think that it is more cost-effective to rent from NY&C in the Fall/Winter when I don’t go out a lot. But for Spring/Summer, LT is bae. I get my Tote on a Thursday or Friday, wear the items over the weekend, ship it back on Monday or Tuesday and get another Tote within the next 2 days. Love it!

Click here to get a free Tote! or Click here to get $10 off your first NY&C box!

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