

We're Larianne & Roody. Welcome to our blog :) We are two young Christian parents who have a YouTube channel and love to share our lives with the world. Enjoy!

Our 8th Wedding Anniversary

Our 8th Wedding Anniversary

Roody & I decided to do things a little differently this year. We usually celebrate our anniversary on the actual date—the 9th. But that fell on a Tuesday this year, and I felt like being extra. So I suggested we celebrate on Saturday the 6th instead.

I took to Instagram and asked for suggestions. One person suggested Miami, another suggested Paris. Umm… lol I’m flattered that you think I got it like that, but let’s try to keep it between Stamford & NYC. Our friend, Vanessa, gave us a whole day’s worth of stuff to do. We ended up driving to NYC and this is what we did:

I had never heard of Big Daddy’s before. But we found a parking garage nearby on Groupon, paid $14, and then walked hand-in-hand to Big Daddy’s for brunch.

The food was really good. I wrote an extensive blog post about it, if you want to see more of what we ate.

We talked about a lot of things, like the fact that I should start taking Food Blogging more seriously. It’s funny because photographing food has always been my thing. I just never knew how to capitalize on it until now! Anyway, that was fun.

I ate so much that I couldn’t suck my tummy in. So I pretended to be 3 months pregnant. It was quite freeing. I asked Roody to take some photos of me in the middle of the street.

Dress: NY & Company

We decided to walk just so that we could shave $1 or $2 off the Uber that we were about to order to go to the Color Factory. So we kept walking, and I saw another photo op.

Listen, I am now a signed model. I need to practice as much as I can haha.

We walked another .2 miles, ordered the Uber, and made it to the Color Factory in time for our 7:30 time slot. They gave us Mochi when we got inside and there was a coat check, thank God, because Roody was walking with the big ol’ Stew Leonard’s Umbrella, and I had my big ol’ Canon Camera Bag.

I really liked how the Color Factory was set up. If you went alone or as a couple, you wouldn’t have to worry about taking your own photos—they give you a QR code on a card that you scan to let a camera take your photo. Then the photo is e-mailed to you within minutes. That’s so cool!

Roody has always had a thing for museums. I usually find them boring. This kind of had a museum vibe, but it was actually cool at the same time. There was one exercise that I really loved: we sat across from each other and drew each other without looking at the paper. And then we handed each other a compliment card. Then they gave us sweet & sour candies to eat. Totally random, but I kind of fell in love a little bit haha.

There was another room where we had to answer certain questions written on the floor so that we could find our “perfect color” (or something like that). Roody and I somehow ended up in front of the same door. We went inside and it was a little Photo Booth. So we took some cute photos :)

The next room was a dance room. The camera in there was out of focus, so I whipped out my own.

Here an artsy photo of a random room:

Then finally, the ball pit. It was really hard to move around in there, but I managed. I felt like an old woman, especially because my left foot now hurts. I need to get that check out because it’s been hurting for a few weeks now…

Now fast-forward to our actually anniversary, Tuesday the 9th. We had 9:00 dinner reservations at Blend on the Water, but we didn’t get seated until 10:12. And we didn’t eat until 10:40. But the food was BOMB.

That blog post is coming this evening, so stay tuned for that!

And that’s it! Roody & I both expressed our feelings for each other on social media and i read his little instagram post over and over again. We are such a millennial couple haha. I mean, I let him know how I feel all the time. He is a little more reserved. But I know he loves me and I love him, too.

Thank God for 8 years!

Edson & Vanessa's EPIC Wedding!

Edson & Vanessa's EPIC Wedding!

Independence Day 2019

Independence Day 2019