Independence Day 2019
I was excited for Independence Day this year because I’m not pregnant, and the boys are now old enough to see the fireworks. Roody & I hadn’t gone to see them since 2013.
Agnes told us about the fireworks that would take place at Calf Pasture Beach in Norwalk, CT. The show was scheduled to start at 9:00. They charge $40 to park via the Parks Mobile App, but we got there at 8:55, sooo…. Yeah haha.
Jaden & Jonathan were scared at first, but they started to enjoy the fireworks after a few minutes. I had a good time capturing photos and eating Chick-Fil-A.
I accidentally left the camera on manual focus and took these portraits, but I think they look cute. So ta bien :)
Jaden fell asleep in the car at some point, even though we were blasting music with the windows down. He never sleeps in the car anymore, so that was super adorable.
The next day, we put the boys’ swim outfits on and went to the water sprinklers at Scalzi Park. To our surprise, they were terrified of the water and I had to convince them that it was ok. So I held their hands and ran through the sprinklers a few times. What fun!
Ever since coming back from Puerto Rico, Roody & I have been feeling extra in lurrrrve. It’s actually disgusting haha. So I set the camera on a timer and went to sit on his lap. We got photobombed a whole bunch of times, but I didn’t care. I just wanted photos with my man :)
My fake laugh in this photo was a little out of control. But Roody looks cute, and that’s all that matters haha
We all napped when we got home. Even Roody! Then we got burgers & hotdogs and fired up the “grill.” Jaden is terrified of lightning bugs, so there was a lot of crying once the sun set. Agnes & Kayly came over, and I took some portraits of Kayly for her upcoming casting call.
It was a great couple of days, and I’m really happy that we got to spend time as a family. I hope you all enjoyed the holiday!